Back In Balance Therapies
Holistic Therapies for Body, Mind & Spirit
Modality Descriptions

EDEN METHOD (Energy Medicine) Time-tested and becoming ever more popular over the past four decades, the Eden Method is a complete approach for helping the body's energy systems flourish.  We have 10 bodies: 1 is physical and the other 9 are energetic!  The Eden Method works with the 9 energy bodies to bring them into harmony with one another and with the body's physical structure. You don't have to become a "master healer" to be effective with the procedures taught in the Eden Method.  You can learn many of the procedures quickly, and the results are often immediate.  They are simple yet can be profound, creating balance within the nine systems so you can relieve pain, strengthen your body, clear your mind, and have a more healthy and joyful life.

What are the nine energy systems? Chakras, Meridians, the Aura, the Radiant Circuits, the Electrics, the Celtic Weave, the Five Rhythms, Triple Warmer and the Basic Grid.

What do we mean by "Energy"?  Your energy is your life force.  It is the impulse in the embryo that pushed forward into who you are today.  Your energies take many forms that work in concert, from the electrical and electrochemical energies that science knows how to measure to more subtle forces that carry complex information and give form to physical structures, providing the invisible blueprint of the human body, its organs, and the millions of automatic processes it carries out every day. In practical terms, your energy gives you the strength and vitality you need to live a fulfilling life.  It is the foundation of your vibrancy, power, spirit, liveliness, resilience, peace of mind, and natural joy.

How does the Eden Method work?  In the Eden Method, your body's own energies are activated so they act like a MEDICINE.  They heal you by strengthening your immune system, increasing your resilience, and enhancing your mental clarity.  At the same time, your energies are also like the PATIENT.  They are cleared, balanced, strengthened, and brought into a healthier flow.  Where they have become compromised or damaged, as happens as we live our stress-filled lives, they are repaired.

In the Eden Method, ENERGY is the patient and ENERGY is also the healer.  The Eden Method is both a self-help and a clinical approach used by growing numbers of licensed health care professionals.  You can use it on yourself or your loved ones through exercises and techniques that are easy to learn.  Many techniques take only one to two minutes, and even in that short amount of time, many people feel a better flow of energy or find immediate relief to an ache or pain!

Connective Tissue Mobilization and Rehydration Massage – Connective tissue is a 3-dimensional fluid filled tissue (like a sponge) designed to align, support, protect, cushion and communicate with all other systems of the body.  In its stressed, dehydrated state, it can act like shrink-wrap, compressing and diminishing the function of other structures of the body, i.e. muscles, joints and nerves.  These compressive forces can eventually lead to toxicity in the tissues, inflammation and pain.  Specific manual manipulation of the connective tissues (fascia, tendons, and ligaments) can release the accumulated toxins, restore hydration to the tissue, relieve compressive forces and restore function to all of our body systems. Tolerable pressure, that is not painful, is used with massage techniques that are meant to create a fluid exchange (gliding, shearing, static compression, rinsing and light frictioning) and restore the fluid state of connective tissue.

MELT Method A simple self-treatment method that helps prevent pain, heal injury, and erase the negative signs of aging and active living.  Using small balls for the hands and feet and a soft roller for the body, the MELT Method directly enhances body awareness, rehydrates connective tissue, and quiets the nervous system.

CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the functioning of a physiological body system called the craniosacral system - comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. Using a soft touch generally no greater than 5 grams, or about the weight of a nickel, practitioners release restrictions in the craniosacral system, which has been shown to improve the functioning of the central nervous system, as well as many other systems of the body, such as digestive, musculoskeletal, respiratory, circulatory, and more. CST has also been shown to help with the physical components related to such somatic conditions as Post Traumatic Stress, depression and anxiety.

Hanna Somatics – is a clothes-on bodywork method that addresses chronic, involuntary muscular contractions that can lead to chronic pain and dysfunction of the body. It is a method that directly engages the source of the muscular contractions: the motor cortex brain.  Your therapist works “with” you, instead of “on” you.  Somatics addresses a condition Thomas Hanna called “Sensory–Motor Amnesia.”  Through the use of the Pandicular Response (slow, voluntary muscular contractions and de-contractions), the nervous system is “re-educated” and clients learn to release their chronic muscular contractions and restore function, thereby diminishing/eliminating their discomfort or pain.

Ortho-Bionomy - is a gentle, non-invasive system of healing that utilizes movements within the client’s range of comfort, brief compression and subtle contact.  These techniques are meant to gently stimulate the body’s reflexes for self-correction in a way that supports a person’s own healing mechanisms and can help to alleviate both acute and chronic pain and stress patterns by reducing chronic muscle tension, soothing the joints, increasing flexibility, improving circulation, and relaxing the entire body. It is generally a clothes-on technique, but can be incorporated with other massage/bodywork modalities.​

Rotator Cuff Protocol – A recent report states that rotator cuff pathology is becoming more common in the fifth and sixth decades of life and almost 30% of visits to orthopedic clinics are for rotator cuff injuries. The Rotator Cuff Protocol includes massaging affected muscle and tendons using direct compression, effleurage, friction, etc., as well as, releasing trigger points and using active movement with small hand weights.  The result is a reduction of pain and inflammation, restoration of a normal soft tissue environment and restoration of normal range of motion.

Kundalini Yoga - By definition, it is an ancient and synergistic from of yoga practiced for centuries in India and the East. It is a science and an art that incorporates the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of yoga into a cohesive and integrated system.  Much of Kundalini Yoga was kept secret until Yogi Bhajan first came to America to teach it in 1969. His motive?  Compassion.  He wanted to help us stop suffering.  He believed that "It is the birthright of every human being to be healthy, happy and holy."  

This is a yoga for householders, for people who have to cope with the daily challenges and stresses of holding jobs, raising families, managing businesses.  It gives results in the shortest possible time.  It does not require you to leave your home, become an ascetic or sit in a cave.  Kundalini Yoga is for everyone who wants the skills to cope successfully with the challenges of living in this day and age. (And you don't have to be a pretzel.  For the physical exercises, if you can breathe, and just lean in the right direction, you'll be benefited.  ANYONE CAN DO IT!)

The benefits of practicing Kundalini Yoga are enhanced health and well being, greater physical flexibility, a more comfortable back, stronger and balanced immune, digestive, eliminative, and nervous systems.  You will gain greater calmness, clarity, creativity, and improved concentration, a working understanding of the mind/body connection and a self-guided ability to relax and rejuvenate the mind, body and spirit.



Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
Member, Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals 218-348-7146
384 Salakka Road, Knife River, MN 55609
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